Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

My First Dll Hacks v.6075

Wah uda lama nih saya ga update blog saya haha.. Kali ini saya pengen post hack audition terbaru saya tetapi tidak pakai trainer lagi yaitu dll atau injector...
Bisa langsung download disini >>download<<

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Auindo Hacks v.6071 By Me

Dulu Saya sering Makan Nasi tapi.... Sekarang saya buat cheat.. Dan akhirnya bisa buat cheat.. Silahkan download disini~

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Auindo v.6067 By Me

Fitur-fitur cheat
Force Map to Club MG
Perfect Normal On
Perfect Normal Off
Perfect BR On
Perfect BR Off

Download Disini

Maklum saya masi newbie dalam membuat cheat
Selamat mencoba
(Disable EagleNT sebelum menggunakan cheatnya)

Pakai Ini biar ga susah disable EagleNT

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

How to make a good website?

To make a good website, we need to learn more. But now I would share to you all about how to make a good website. It's simple, you only need to remember it
Here is the way to make a good website:
1. The post must interesting
2. The background must colorful (including HTML tag)
3. Use bright color (but not to bright)
4. We must post something that useful once a week
5. Share everything what that you learn about HTML so they can studied to make a good website
6. Q n A so they will understand more about the website
7. The words must clear

If you can do this 7 numbers, you can make a good website]
This is the example of a good website
www.prycommunity.blogspot.comhttp://havefundogood.blogspot.com/ ,http://lapulpy.blogspot.com/

What is Blog Hosting?

Blog Hosting, also known as weblogs, are sites that feature regular updates in the form of individual posts. Since blogs tend to evolve over a long period of time, they are an attractive alternative to creating a static website. With many different blog hosting options available, however, getting your blog set up can sometimes seem like an overwhelming task.
The first step in choosing a blog host is deciding whether you want to create a blog with free hosting or invest in a paid blog host. If you're creating a personal blog to keep in touch with your family and friends, free blog hosting is likely to be sufficient for your needs. Free blog hosts, such as Blogger or Xanga, offer easy-to-use interfaces that make it simple for people with limited technical skills to start blogging.
Most free blog hosting options also provide a limited selection of templates so you can alter the look of your blog to better suit your personal tastes. You won't be able to remove ads from the site, however, since this is the primary way free blog hosts generate their revenue. Additionally, free blog hosts do have some restrictions on the content they will allow; most won't permit blogs with pornography, excessive violence, hate speech, or content that infringes upon the Copyright of someone else.

Blog also same as web host. But blog was more easier because we don't need to use notepad and microsoft, we only need to post or publish it.

Problem of Blog: If we Use Blog, the size can't be change
Solution: Use Wordpress or HTML Tag so it can be changed the size more easier

Blog Hosting Example: www.blogger.com , www.wordpress.com , www.blog.com


Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Cara Membuat Judul Blog Berjalan

Apakah anda ingin membuat adress bar blog anda berjalan??? Nah saya berbaik hati ingin memberikan caranya kepada anda
Langkah Membuat Adress Bar:
1.Login Ke Blogger
2.Masuk Ke Tata Letak> Edit HTML
3.Cari Kode </head> dan copy script di bawah ini kemudian paste tepat di atas kode </head>

<script type='text/javascript'>
msg = " --- Welcome To My Blog!--- ";
msg = " --Enjoy My Blog Guys!--" + msg;pos = 0;
function scrollMSG() {
document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos); pos++;
if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0

NB: Lihat Tulisan yang berwarna biru, anda bisa menggantinya sesuai keinginan andadan itulah tulisan yang akan muncul di adress bar anda

4. Simpan Template

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Grand Chase Wikia

Nah, apakah anda tidak terlalu mengerti tentang bermain Grand Chase?? Nah sekarang kita bisa membaca artikel tentang Grand Chase dan seputar gamenya disana.. Jika ingin membaca wikianya bisa disini Grand Chase Wikia